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25,000 m2 of beautiful international plants

Andromeda Botanic Gardens in Barbados

Barbados botanical Gardens. The Andromeda Botanic Garden in Barbados is one of the largest botanical gardens on the islands. On several terraces which run into each other you can experience the beauty of numerous plants and trees. They have also a cafe and a small gift shop.

The work on this garden has begun around 1954. You will find is a palm garden, many exotic flowering plants, and large shade giving trees, ponds, meadows and orchids. Overall, the fauna of the Andromeda Botanic Gardens shows you an international variety of plants.

Website: Andromeda B. Gardens - Barbados
Address and location:
Bathsheba (east coast)
St. Joseph, Barbados
Online map: Google Maps - Andromeda B. Gardens - Barbados