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A reliable currency converter for Barbados Dollars (BBD)

Currency Converter for Barbados Dollar (BBD)

The Barbados dollar is pegged to the U.S. Dollar. There are several currency converter that are not accurate because the rates for Barbados Dollars are updated less frequently than for US Dollar. Therefore it better to use the current value of the U.S. dollar and to divide it by 1.98 or 2.

An easy-to-use currency converter.


Barbados Dollar is pegged to the US Dollar

Since July 1975 the Barbados Dollar is pegged to the US Dollar. The exchange rate is set to:

1 US-Dollar = 1,98 Barbados Dollar

In daily life on the Caribbean island of Barbados, Barbados Dollar and US Dollar will be exchanged at a rate of 1 US-Dollar for 2 Barbados Dollar. Usually US-Dollar are excepted island wide.