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A short summary of Barbados' history.

The history of Barbados

From native inhabitants over the sugar production and slavery rights up to Barbados' independence in november 1966.

Approximately 350 AD:
The first pre-European settlers were the Arawak and Carib Indians.

1536 - The PortugueseThe first European explorers were the Portuguese in 1536 under the navigator Pedro Campos, Barbados was discover during a search for Brazil.

The name of the island of Barbados was also given in 1536 by Pedro Campos (Portuguese for "os Barbados' = (s) Bearded). The name was chosen because the freely hanging roots of the fig trees - it reminded Pedro Campos of beards.

1625 and 1627 - colonization by England
1625, the unpopulated island of England was adopted by Englandand remained until 1962 in English possession.
In 1627 the first settlers went ashore in Holetown.

Beginning of the sugar cane cultivation
In the early 1640s Barbados started the sugar cane production. The sugar acne was exported to England. In 1655, about 8,000 tons of sugar were shipped to England. Barbados was one of the largest producers of sugarcane worldwide. The sugar cane cultivation remained till the 20th Century one of the most important economic factors in the island.

1831 - right to vote for colored people
In 1831 the first free black people received the right to vote.

In 1834 the abolition of slavery by the British Parliament, got obligatory for all the British colonies.

30th November 1966
On 30 November 1966 Barbados declared independence from Britain. After the independency Barbados developed a parliamentary democracy. The first Prime Minister was Errol Barrow.

Like in Canada and Australia, the Queen of England is still the 'official' head of state.

Since the 1990s the tourism sector is the most important economically factor. Before that time, the sugar cane industry was the leading economically factor.