Barbados Travel Information
For your vacation in Barbados, we have assembled a lot of useful information in this section. In this section you will find Barbados specific tips and information, all around typical travel-topics such as arrival and departure, currency, electricity, Internet, mobile communications, drinking water quality and many other topics. Of course, you will also find the emergency numbers for Barbados.
In this section you will find many useful information regarding the topic of vacation/holiday on the Caribbean island of Barbados.
Important Information about traveling to Barbados
In this section you will find for example information about the electricity grid in Barbados, so that you know if your devices will work on the island without a socket/power adapter.
Furthermore, we will give you a lot of information about banking, money and the local currency (Barbados Dollars - BBD) on the island and how it is possible to save some money if you withdraw money at ATMs. With our knowledge you will avoid trouble with non-functioning banking cards. For example there are some countries in the world where you have to activate your banking cards for the area you are traveling to (that is especially important for european countries like germany).
We will also give you many tips about the topics of mobile/cell phones , internet, smart phones and helpful smart phone related apps.
Arrival and Departure in Barbados
In this section you will find information regarding all aspects of travel planning, customs, travel insurance and visa requirements.
Airlines and flight connections
In this section you will find information on regular and chartered flights.
Buses and Taxis in Barbados
Here you will find information about how the public transport system works in Barbados. And because it works a bit differently than in most of the european and american countries it is very helpful to read this section, if you want to use public transport in the Caribbean island of Barbados.
Guide for Accommodation Rentals
Here you will find information about accommodation offers and especially the region in which you should book your accommodation. For example, if you are planning a beach vacation (holiday) it makes sence to look for an accommodation on the west or the south coast because here are the best beaches for swimming. But we will give you much more information, so that you can decide which area is the best for you. It is worthwhile to read through this guide.
Guide for Car Hire (Rentals)
In this section you will find information about car hire (rentals). For example information about about insurance coverage and how you should respond in the event of an accident and more.
Online maps of the Caribbean island of Barbados
There is a variety of online maps available for Barbados. We explain to you which map is the best online map for Barbados and why it is the best. You will also get information about old fashioned paper maps.
If you think we have forgotten a useful topic or an information, please feel free to send a short message, or simply leave a comment. Furthermore, if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to submit them.