Barbados: Airline Connections
Barbados flight connections. There are a few airlines that fly to Barbados on a regular basis and there are also some charter flights to Barbados.
Preliminary information
The highest prices for flights are usually around christmas. So if you want to fly around christmas it is probably best to book early.
Flights from UK to Barbados
Most flights from Europe to Barbados are flights from London Gatwick (LGW) to Grantley Adams International Airport (BGI) in Barbados. Virgin Atlantic Airways (VS) and British Airways are operating daily flights from London Gatwick (LGW) to Barbados (BGI).
1) Virgin Atlantic Airways (VS) - from London Gatwick (LGW)
2) British Airways (BA) - from London Gatwick (LGW)
1) Thomson Airways
Flights from Canada to Barbados
1) Air Canada
2) Canjet
3) Sunwing Airlines
4) WestJet
Flights from the U.S. to Barbados
1) American Airlines
4) U.S. Airways
2) JetBlue
3) Caribbean Airlines & Jamaica Airways
Flights from other European countries
1) Condor (DE) ab Frankfurt/Main (FRA)