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Explore the island on a motorbike with 4 wheels

Quad Tour (ATV) in Barbados

Exploring Barbados with a quad is definitely one of the more exciting tours. With this vehicle you can reach many places which are not accessible for jeeps and buses.

If you like you can explore the Caribbean island of Barbados on a ATV 4x4 (∼ Motor cycle with 4 wheels).

ATV Quads 4 U - Barbados

Tour (begin): 10.00h & 14.00h
Duration of the tour: about 3 hours
Single- and two seaters

ATV Quads 4 U
Ellis Land
Fitts Village
St. James

More informationen:
Website: More Informationen about ATV Quads 4 U
Pictures: ATV Quads 4 U - picture gallery