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Caves and flowstone caves in Barbados

In Barbados there are many underground caves, among them is a well-known stalactite cave called "Harrison's Cave" and it is one of the tourist hotspots. But there are also a couple other caves that are less known.

In Barbados, there are several caves to explore. Barbados is one of the few Caribbean islands formed entirely of coral rock (most other Caribbean islands are of volcanic origin). Because coral rock often has a more porous structure and Barbados has many subterranean water flows, these interesting caves have been develop by mother nature.

Animal Flower Cave at the North Point

Harrion's Cave - Flowstone Cave

In Barbados Harrison's Cave is probably the most famous cave of all caves. This large flowstone cave (stalactite cave) is very well developed. Visitors will be driven through the cave by a type of an electrical car. This is particularly suitable for older people and people with young children.
- In the heart of Barbados - crystal clear water flowing

Website: Harrison's Cave Barbados
Address and location:
Online Map: Google Maps - Harrison's Cave Barbados

Coles Cave und Mendes Cave

Two other caves which I have found via the Internet are Mendes Cave and Coles Cave, at least that is how Stephen Mendes the operator of hiking tours in Barbados named them. You will find more information on his website: Hikebarbados.com.

Mr. Mendes - Prices:
The price model of Stephen Mendes is pretty clear. Mr. Mendes takes a fix price for a certain distance - regardless of the size of your group.

Prices for guided hikes (per group):
3 Meilen (ca. 4,8 km) costs 300 BBD (150 US-Dollar)
6 Meilen (ca. 9,7 km) costs 400 BBD (200 US-Dollar)
8 Meilen (ca. 12,9 km) costs 450 BBD (225 US-Dollar)
10 Meilen (ca. 16,1 km) costs 500 BBD (250 US-Dollar)
(Date of Informationen: 19.01.2012)

Stephen Mendes also got a interesting YouTube channel - that is how we found him. Many of his videos are in HD and these videos are showing some of his hikes and plenty of Barbados' nice tropical landscape.
An by the way, mister Mendes can show you a lot of Places that normal tourists won't discover.

Website: Hike Barbados by Stephen Mendes
Stephen Mendes' Youtube-Channel: Stephen Mendes @ Youtube

Stephen Mendes
Doverdale, Nelson Road
Navy Garderns, Christ Church
Tel #1: (246) 228-8027
Tel #2: (246) 266-8027

Other Caves in Barbados

(1) Crystal Cave - Youtube.com Link: Crystal Cave - Barbados
(2) Oliver's Cave (or Oliverscave)
This cave should be in the south of the island in the parish of St. Philip south from "Fouls Bay".
(3) Salt Cave Point
South from Oliver's Cave.