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Short list of things for your Barbados vacation (holiday)

Checklist for your Barbados vacation or holiday

Things you could need for your Barbados vacation (holiday). On this page we will list the most common and most important things, which you should have obtained prior to traveling to Barbados. This list is just a small assistance and not complete!

Most important documents

(1) Passport (must be valid for at least 6 month after you have arrived in Barbados)
(2) It is wise to have at least one copy of your passport (for example for duty Free shopping)
(3) Flight tickets (+ copy for duty free shopping)
(4) Additional travel insurance for abroad. (cost ∼ 20 USD)
(5) Documents for accommodation & car rental
(6) Money in cash at least for the first two days (US-Dollars should be enough)
(7) Make sure that your credit and debit cards are activated for abroad use in this area. since late 2010 some european and north american banks have change their policy for abroad use of credit and debit cards. So it is better to ask your bank!


(1) casual clothing
(2) beach wear (if necessary your own beach towel)
(3) evening wear

Electronic devices

(1) Digital camera
(2) Water proof dry cases (∼ 20 USD)

Skin, hair and body care products

(1) Sunscreen

More tips

(1) Brita water filter