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Withdraw money in Barbados

Banks in Barbados

In Barbados there are a handful of banks where you can withdraw Barbados dollars. Ask your Bank if it has a associates on the Caribbean island of Barbados, that will probably save you some money.

There a few banks available on the Caribbean island of Barbados.

List of Banks in Barbados

(1) Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank)
(2) FirstCaribbean International Bank
(3) Barbados National Bank (BNB)
(4) Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
(5) RBTT Barbados

Tip: Many banks have associates all around the world

Many banks have associates worldwide. Normally it is a lot cheaper or even free if you use the ATMs from a associate bank.
For example associates of the Scotiabank:

(1) Bank of America
(2) Deutsche Bank
(3) Barclays & Woolwich
(4) BNP Paribas
(5) Westpac

Check with you local bank at home, if it is free of charge - before you withdraw money in Barbados! You can probably save some money if you do so.

Source: http://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/0,,316,00.html

Check if your bank card is activated for this region

For example, since 2010 you have to activate (in some european countries) your debit card or cards (sometimes even your creditcard) for a specific region outside the European Union. Before you leave your country! This may apply for other countries around the world as well.

Barbados dollar is pegged to the US dollar

Since July 1975 the Barbados Dollar is pegged to the US Dollar. The exchange rate is set to:

1 US-Dollar = 1,98 Barbados Dollar

In daily life on the Caribbean island of Barbados, Barbados Dollar and US Dollar will be exchanged at a rate of 1 US-Dollar to 2 Barbados Dollar. Usually US-Dollar are excepted island wide.